Xi Zhu

Xi Zhu's Fundraiser

行动起来!帮助癌症患者康复 image


Support Moving For Life

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$50 towards $300

我热衷于分享锻炼身体对健康的重要性,尤其是对受癌症影响的人和老年人。了解到 Moving For Life(MFL)时,我很激动。这是一个非营利组织,旨在通过舞蹈锻炼来改善癌症患者、正在康复的人、老年人的身体素质和大众的身心健康。MFL通过免费、多元化的舞蹈锻炼课程让人们朝着更健康的方向迈进。

关于Moving For Life: https://movingforlife.org/

Hike-A-Thon: MFL一年一度面向大众的城市远足活动。六英里路线贯穿曼哈顿五个美丽的花园,与MFL的导师、志愿者们一起舞动放松身心、学习保持身体活力的要领。时间:10月2日星期日,9:45am-2:30pm。集合地点:Cafe Amrita, 301 W 110th St, New York, NY 10026。报名链接:https://tinyurl.com/HATr2022 详情:https://tinyurl.com/HATc22

As many of you know, I'm passionate about sharing the importance of health and wellness for people affected by cancer and seniors. Having witnessed these populations struggle through various challenges, I was thrilled when I learned about Moving For Life, a non-profit organization that enhances the lives of those at risk for and recovering from cancer, older adults, and anyone that wants to move regardless of income or ability. They get people moving towards greater health through free and adaptable dance-exercise programs. Exercise is vital to our health, especially as we age or face an illness with economic hardship. Dealing with physical challenges due to cancer treatment, surgery or chronic illness can make it especially hard to get moving. Help keep these classes FREE so health can be a priority for everyone - regardless of income or physical challenges.

You're invited to dance with Moving For Life EVERYDAY - Register for a class here: www.movingforlife.org/classes